Before I learned to use loops
Before I learned to use loops
**Apologies for the poor documentation, I did not anticipate creating a portfolio back then**
Objective: To program an Inductance-Capacitance Bridge and a Keithley Source Meter to take
 accurate measurements and display the results.
Responsibilities & Collaboration: 
My mentor left for India a week into the internship and didn’t return until after we completed the project; we simply met over zoom once a week to report progress. While this made the project more challenging, the experience taught me to be independent and to work hard to acquire the skills necessary to succeed in my endeavors. Nonetheless, I was fortunate enough to be able to work closely with another intern; I mainly worked on the Capacitance Bridge while they worked on the Source meter. However, we would often help with each other's projects, and I learned a lot through our partnership.
We successfully programmed & tested both machines. Afterwards, we wrote procedures for each machine so that students and staff would be able to use them easily. Through this experience, I learned the basics of Python, NumPy, Matplotlib, the fundamentals of Capacitance/ Inductance, and how to solder. Equally as important, I learned how to build healthy relationships with my mentor and others involved in a project. The whole time, I found myself falling in love with the physics associated while also thoroughly enjoying the programming and soldering. Ultimately, this experience taught me to appreciate the hands-on work needed to succeed in a lab setting while also reinforcing my love for learning.
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