A prototype of our second iteration
A prototype of our second iteration
Our final prototype next to our Tri board, brochures, and pins!
Our final prototype next to our Tri board, brochures, and pins!
The base/cups fit inside
The base/cups fit inside
Gantt Chart for the project
Gantt Chart for the project
Outline for our documentation linked above
Outline for our documentation linked above
First time using CAD Software!
First time using CAD Software!
Objective: To design and build an adjustable, lightweight, and compact table capable of withstanding work inside the upcoming lunar habitat.
Responsibilities and Collaboration:
In High School, I was fortunate enough to work with NASA through a program called High Schools United with NASA to Create Hardware (HUNCH). My team and I held a total of three design reviews with real NASA Engineers. Before every DR, we prepared a PowerPoint and finalized a prototype in order to get as much valuable feedback as possible. Throughout the duration of the program, NASA made sure to teach the good engineering practices which they follow themselves. For example, our documentation throughout needed to be excellent, and we diligently worked to set & follow our own project schedule. 
Ultimately, our final product was an umbrella-like expandable table which gained stability from suction cups. At the time, none of us knew much about manufacturing and we had a pretty constraining budget ($25). In the end, we repurposed an umbrella, bought cheap suction cups, cut up & spray-painted yard signs we had, and many more little "hacks". The final table was indeed lightweight, and it remained stable to imbalanced weights/ bumping of the tabletop. However, it easily tipped if someone tapped the bottom base, and the suction cups would periodically lose grip. 
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